Best Yoga School in Rishikesh

Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga for Self and Society
yogaAdi June 21, 2024

Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024: Yoga for Self and Society

Introduction International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21st, is a global event that highlights the immense benefits of yoga for both individuals and communities. As we approach International Yoga Day 2024, the theme “Yoga for Self and Society” emphasizes the profound impact of yoga on personal well-being and its ripple effect on societal harmony. […]

Which asana is best for lowering creatinine levels?
yogaAdi January 22, 2024

Which asana is best for lowering creatinine levels?

In a common human the lowering creatinine levels involves maintaining kidney health and overall well-being through a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and possibly medical interventions. While yoga, particularly certain asanas (poses), can contribute to general health and stress reduction, it’s essential to understand that there’s no specific yoga pose that directly targets creatinine […]

How yoga helps an individual to improve the quality of life of the drug users?
yogaAdi January 8, 2024

How yoga helps an individual to improve the quality of life of the drug users?

Now these days the widespread issue of drug addiction continues to pose a significant challenge to societies around the mankind. While conventional treatment methods such as natural therapy, Yoga, Asans and medication play very crucial roles in recovery, alternative approaches like yoga are gaining recognition for their positive impact on individuals grappling with substance abuse. […]

What Happens When You Go to a Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh?
yogaAdi December 26, 2023

What Happens When You Go to a Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh?

Embarking on a yoga retreat in the serene and spiritually charged city of Rishikesh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayan State Uttrakhnd, is a transformative experience like no other you get. As you step into this yogic haven, you are not just signing up for physical postures but delving into a holistic journey of […]

Yoga poses and asanas for beginners
yogaAdi December 18, 2023

Yoga poses and asanas for beginners

When you are a beginner in yoga you may feel a bit overwhelmed and stressed; you might not know where to start from when there are numerous styles and poses along with their odd names which might cause you to feel confused. If you manage to stretch your arms over your head when you first […]

The Inter-Relation Between Yoga and Ayurveda
yogaAdi November 6, 2023

The Inter-Relation Between Yoga and Ayurveda

The Inter-Relation Between Yoga and Ayurveda Yoga and Ayurveda, two ancient sister sciences rooted in the Indian tradition, are intricately intertwined. Together, they form a comprehensive approach to holistic health, focusing on the balance of mind, body, and spirit. In this blog post, we’ll explore the profound interrelation between Yoga and Ayurveda, and how their […]

How to do Pigeon Pose
yogaAdi October 2, 2023

How to do Pigeon Pose

The pigeon pose is also known as “Eka Pada Rajakapotasana”. Where ‘eka’ means one, ‘pada’ means foot, ‘raja’ means king, ‘kapota’ means pigeon, and ‘ asana’ means pose. A few people also called it the One-Legged King Pigeon Pose, but Sanskrit names are usually used for naming the postures. It is a very helpful pose […]

Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana): steps and benefits
yogaAdi September 25, 2023

Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana): steps and benefits

Chaturanga Dandasana is also known as the four-limbed staff poses and low plank pose. Pose in modern yoga, and is misunderstood by pushups. In Sanskrit “chatur” means four, “ anga “ means Limbs, and “ danda” means staff or spine. It is commonly used in Power Yoga sessions. In this pose, the body is in […]

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): Benefits and How to do pose
yogaAdi September 18, 2023

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): Benefits and How to do pose

The cobra position is another name for bhujangasana. It opens the lower back and allows you to stretch your upper body. Bhujangasana = bhujang + asana where bhujang means cobra ( king of snakes) and asana means yoga posture. Cobras can uplift their one-third body same we need to uplift our upper body. It signifies […]

Yoga Studio in Rishikesh
yogaAdi September 4, 2023

Yoga Studio in Rishikesh

Rishikesh is known as the “Yoga Capital Of The World”. Rishikesh is known for its calmness and peaceful environment, people visit Rishikesh from different parts of the world to learn yoga. Our studio has a very soothing environment with very positive vibes near the Ganga river, the holy river of Hindus where they pray so […]

What Are Seven Chakras In Our Body
yogaAdi July 17, 2023

What Are Seven Chakras In Our Body

Seven Chakras: What Are They And How Do They Impact You? In yoga, there are Seven Major Chakras in the Human Body. These energy centers act as conduits for energy to flow in our bodies. They are located on the spine, at the base of the spine, and between your legs. When they are blocked […]

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?
yogaAdi July 3, 2023

How to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?

Want To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher? Everything You Should Know Yoga is one of the most popular activities in the world, and there are many styles of this ancient method of balancing the mind and body. In this two-part article, we’ll explore the different styles of yoga and share some benefits of each – […]