When you are a beginner in yoga you may feel a bit overwhelmed and stressed; you might not know where to start from when there are numerous styles and poses along with their odd names which might cause you to feel confused. If you manage to stretch your arms over your head when you first get out of bed this morning after executing a yoga stance, yoga can be a simple arrangement to accomplish. Aside from that, practicing yoga is a lifetime endeavor which will allow you to become proficient in a variety of poses over time.
Because our bodies bend and fold naturally, many basic yoga postures are familiar to us. Pay attention to your breathing as you learn the basic poses of yoga. When you’re just starting out, keep things simple. There is enough value in the yoga poses given here.
The 15 listed stances are all possible for you to master. This is just a list of options you can consider. They do not need to be mastered by you. If you’d like to learn them, you can choose a time to join our Yoga School in Rishikesh.

1) Downward facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Yoga is synonymous with the downward-facing dog, but just because you’ve heard of it doesn’t mean you can do it. Often, beginners make this position look more like a plank by leaning too far forward. As a substitute, lift your hips with your heels pointing down while keeping a heavy base on your legs. Depending on how tight your hamstrings are, you may need to flex your knees. Make sure your feelings are parallel.
When you perform this Pose after exercising, such as running, you will be able to recover faster. In addition to improving posture, it improves circulation, counteracting the effects of prolonged sitting.
2) Mountain Pose
Mountain pose is just as important as Downward Facing Dog, even though it’s not as famous. In each pose, you will need to align your body parts, which is referred to as alignment. Your shoulders and pelvis should be stacked so that a straight line runs from your head to your heels in mountain pose. Since every person’s body is different, you should lengthen your spine and tuck your toes under.
Among the benefits of this pose are good posture, increased flexibility, boosted self-esteem, establishing a healthy gut, boosting your self-esteem, developing better balance, and making yoga more accessible for beginners.

3) Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
Warriors I should be performed with hips facing forward. The front mat should be about parallel to your hip points, and your hip points should be your headlights. This will require more flexibility on your part, so you should take a stance that is more flexible.
As a result of this exercise, the legs and upper arms are strengthened, the balance and core strength are improved, and the hip muscles are stretched. A good stretch is given to the quadriceps and hamstrings in the front and rear of the thigh, as well as the hips, chest, and erector spine muscles in the back.
4) Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
In warrior II, the hips are more aligned with the side of the mat as opposed to warrior I, where they face the centre. Consequently, when you move from Warrior I to Warrior II, your shoulders and hips will be open to the side as well as your back foot being rotated at a 45 – degree angle with your toes pointing outward. The front leg of your front leg should be stacked over your ankle when you are performing either of these warrior poses. The pose in which you are standing is one where you are standing on your front toes.
You get stronger legs, ankles and feet, stronger hips, groins and shoulders, stronger shoulders and chest, more concentration and stamina, energized limbs, stimulated your abdominal organs, reduce backaches, develop balance and stability, improve circulation and respiration, a great treatment for flat feet, sciatica, osteoporosis, carpal tunnel and infertility.

5) Extended side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
As you prepare to do an extended side angle pose, instead of placing your hand on the floor, bring your forearm up to the back of your thigh. There should be just enough room for it to rest on your thigh and it shouldn’t be too heavy. As long as you make this adjustment, you will continue to have broad shoulders for a long time to come. There is also the option of placing your hand on a block if you do not feel ready to reach for the floor and your chest turns downward instead of upward before you are ready. If you reach for the floor too soon, the position of your torso may be compromised.
Boosts leg strength and flexibility and stretches the ankles, knees, and hips. Incorporates groins, spine, waist, and shoulders into stretching exercises. Increases the capacity of the lungs and chest. It stimulates the digestive system.

6) Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)
The triangle can be modified by using a yoga block for your bottom hand if you have difficulty extending your arm to the floor. You should not put your hand directly on your knee. It is better to place it on your thigh or shin rather than on your hip.
In this pose, the core muscles are activated, which aids in balance and stability, the spine is stretched and lengthened, the hips and shoulders are opened, your organs are stimulated, and stress is reduced.

7) Standing forward Bend (Uttanasana)
The first thing you should do is move forward in order to execute this yoga pose. As soon as you have finished exhaling, bend your legs in the same direction as you inhale. You should bend your knees if you experience stiffness in your hamstrings first so that your spine will be able to relax. Make sure you keep your head in a relaxed state. Maintain a slight bend in the knees and a hip-distance apart in order to increase your stability. When you are holding opposing elbows with your opposite hands, you can proceed to gently rock from side to side as you hold the elbows.
It is essential to stretch the hamstrings, calves, and hips of the body when practicing yoga. Regularly practicing Uttanasana poses helps strengthen your legs and back, which is especially beneficial if you sit for long periods of time. In addition to improving your range of motion, it makes your spine flexible and strong, which is especially beneficial for athletes with high endurance levels. It is one of the most important benefits of Uttanasana because it relieves joint and muscle pains and inflammation caused by fatigue, arthritis, etc. Uttanasana pose helps you lose weight by strengthening your abdominal muscles.

8) Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior)
The reverse warrior assumes a similar stance to the warrior I and includes an optional backbend as well as a heart-opening side bend. A stable stance requires engaging the sole of the front foot, holding the outside edge of the back foot, and pressing the glutes and hamstrings. Your gaze should then be directed upwards toward the outstretched hand. Last but not least, sag further into your hips as you keep your front knee over your ankle.
As well as strengthening the legs, opening the sides, improving spinal mobility, and improving balance and core strength, Reverse Warrior also strengthens the core. The quadriceps and hamstrings of the front and back legs, hips, and groin muscles are all stretched.

9) Garland Pose (Malasana)
The vast majority of people in the 21st Century have never squatted. Due to its amazing stretch for pelvic floor muscles, it’s often referred to as a “hip opener” in yoga. You’ll also benefit from its benefits for your feet, which are usually neglected. A block or towel or blanket under your heels can make squatting easier if you find it difficult. Stay firmly planted on the ground with your heels.
This strengthens the ankles, feet, and legs. Moreover, it makes the lumbar spine and the spinal column more spacious. Hips and groins are also opened and strengthened by the pose.

10) Half forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
It is usually practised during the sun salutation sequence, as it is sometimes called a halfway lift – because of this, it tends to be rushed, but taking the time to practice it on your own is beneficial. Having body awareness also involves knowing when your back is flat. Before you begin, checking yourself out in the mirror is helpful. Keeping a flat back may require you to raise your hands as far off the ground as necessary. You may need to bend your knees softly if necessary.
You will strengthen your low back, improve your core, and lengthen your spine with the Half Forward Fold.

11) Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
When performing standing-forward bends like the pyramid pose, use yoga blocks to make the position more tolerable. To make it easier for your hands to access the floor, place a block on either side of your front foot. Stretching your hamstrings will soothe them and help them to feel better.
By practising the pyramid pose, you’re stretching your spine, shoulders, wrists, hips, and hamstrings. Additionally, it improves posture and strengthens the legs

12) Raised Hands Pose (Urdhva Hastasana)
In Urdhva hastasana, based on Mountain Pose, your legs should be planted on the ground. During the physical portion of your yoga session, you will receive a full-body stretch as a result.
This pose stretches the sides of the body, the spine, the shoulders, the armpits, and the belly. As a result, the thighs are toned, digestion is improved, and anxiety and fatigue can be relieved

13) Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)
Perfect alignment is essential when you lunge low. Your knee should be directly above your ankle with your front leg parallel to the ground. Maintain a level hip while also energising your back leg. Many people tend to sink too much into their front legs while sagging their back legs. Make sure you’re performing it correctly by looking in the mirror.
- Strengthens your knees,
- releases tension in your hips,
- stretches your hamstrings,
- quads, and groins, and
- helps you focus mentally

14) Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
As an introduction to balancing poses, this is a great pose to start with. There is a quick escape route if you feel that you are about to fall out. You should avoid extending your hip to the side of your standing leg in order to generate a counterweight. Focus your eyes on a specific floor region – an ankle above or below the knee with a low-hanging heel – and experiment with different foot positions until you find one that feels comfortable for you.
- Strengthens your knees, hamstrings, quadriceps, and groin.
- Releases tension in your hips.
- stretches your hamstrings,
- Focuses the mind.

15) Plank Pose
It is possible to develop core strength by introducing suitable postures for balancing. Down dog splits don’t require you to lift your leg high. You should instead keep your weight evenly distributed between both hands by sinking into the hands.
The development of the upper body, the development of core/abdominal strength, the development of spinal stability, the development of forearm, wrist and hand strength, the advancement of bone strength, particularly in the wrists of those with osteoporosis, the development of mental focus, and the development of confidence.
If you want to become a certified Yoga teacher, than join our course of 200 hours Yoga teacher Training in Rishikesh.